Our Sustainability Approach

New Forests defines sustainability as factoring in social and environmental risks and opportunities and intentionally creating positive, measurable impact in all that we do and in all the decisions we make.

For New Forests, Responsible investment refers to the strategy and practice of incorporating environmental, social and governance ESG factors our New Forests’ investment decisions and active ownership.

Corporate sustainability is about conducting our business in ways that create sustainable long-term stakeholder value in financial, environmental, social and ethical terms.

Impact refers to the intentional, measurable positive real world outcomes for the economy, society and environment, which result from our investment activities and operations. For New Forests, it also includes the impact created through our business operations and encapsulated in our certification as a B Corp.


  • Human Rights Policy
  • Responsible Investment Policy


  • Greenhouse Gas Methodology
  • Carbon Credits Integrity Statement

New Forests has been certified as a B Corp since 2018, in recognition of our high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability and transparency. Certified B Corporations are a global community of like-minded organisations who envision an inclusive, equitable and regenerative economic system.

Case studies