Sustainability & Impact Report 2024

Introducing our Sustainability and Impact Report 2024

We are proud that New Forests has been reporting on our sustainability performance and sharing our impact for over 15 years. This latest Report marks a significant milestone in our journey towards leading edge reporting and achieving our vision of seeing investment in land use and forestry as central to the transition to a more sustainable future. This includes reporting on our impacts on nature and biodiversity, consistent with the Taskforce on Nature related Financial Disclosures.

You will read about the progress across our business and our assets in four regions where we operate – Africa, Asia, Australia New Zealand, and the United States – in FY23 and FY24. Below is our impact at a glance across our three impact themes: Shared Prosperity, Nature-Based Solutions and the Circular Bioeconomy.

Insight banner

Shared Prosperity

FY23 FY24
 Individuals employed at assets 4,003 4,705
 Percentage of female employees at assets 25% 23%
 Percentage of female leaders at assets 18% 14%
 Participants engaged in outgrower, smallholder and livelihood planting programs 384 436
 Risk management systems 100% of assets 100% of assets
  • Lost time incidents frequency rate (LTIFR)1
  • Total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR)




[1] New Forests’ assets engage in continual improvement in health and safety, and our LTIFR results are low for the industries in which we operate. For example, in Australia, the average LTIFR in the forestry and logging sector is 14.7 and 12.4 in agriculture. Safe Work Australia, 2021‑22 Lost time injury frequency rates by industry.

Nature‑Based Solutions

FY23 FY24
 Total carbon stored in production forests 196,093,623 tCO2e 192,485,096 tCO2e
 Annual total carbon removals from production forests 936,690 tCO2e 920,065 tCO2e
 Carbon credits issued 1,454,987 3,631,972
 Total conservation area 190,877 hectares 200,196 hectares
  • Permanently protected conservation area (i.e., under legal protection mechanisms)
30,989 hectares 32,230 hectares
  • Area of environmental restoration
519 hectares 1,089 hectares
 Seedlings planted 20,189,391 21,565,378

Circular Bioeconomy

FY23 FY24
Area of certified forest management 902,007 hectares 911,735 hectares
Volume of certified timber produced 7,402,941 cubic metres 7,471,751 cubic metres
Percentage of timber production that is certified 98% 99.7%
Volume of agricultural product harvested 241,656 tonnes 263,006 tonnes

Our Report also shares real‑life impacts we are delivering to communities and the environment; from the restoration of Thailand’s second largest peat swamp area, to managing a high conservation project in Australia, and returning ancestral lands to the Hoopa Valley Tribe in California.

To view our Sustainability and Impact Report 2024, please visit: Sustainability Reporting – New Forests




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