New Forests Timber Products aims to be the supplier of choice for certified plantation forest products, specialising in the supply of hardwood and softwood woodchips and logs sourced from New Forests’ plantation estates.
Experience You Can Trust
New Forests Timber Products is a member of the New Forests Group and operates across the Asia-Pacific region with primary exports from the Australian ports of Burnie, Launceston, and Hobart in Tasmania, Portland in Victoria, and Albany in Western Australia, as well as ports in Southeast Asia and New Zealand.
Through close alignment with New Forests’ plantation resources, New Forests Timber Products is the focal point for the wood fibre distribution of assets under management to the commercial market.
NFTP is the focal point for the distribution of wood fibre to the commercial market.
Eucalyptus nitens
Commonly known as Shining Gum, Eucalyptus nitens is native to Tasmania where it is the preferred hardwood plantation species for its high suitability to the local climate and its attractive pulping characteristics.
Eucalyptus globulus
Australian Blue Gum is widely grown across the Australian mainland and has earned its place as the country’s top pulp and paper plantation species, known for its high pulp yield and reliable quality.
Our Plantation Resources
New Forests Timber Products brings to the commercial market woodchip and logs from certified plantation forests owned by New Forests’ investment funds. These premier forestry estates include one of Australia’s most iconic, large-scale hardwood assets the Forestry Investment Trust. New Forests Timber Products also works closely with the forest manager who operates and manages this estate and other New Forests plantations on a day-to-day basis across both Australia and New Zealand.
- Forestry Investment Trust (FIT) – The FIT estate includes more than 110,000 hectares of certified Eucalyptus globulus plantations. The estate is concentrated in Great Southern regions of Western Australia and the productive Green Triangle region of Victoria and South Australia. FIT operational forestry management and export is managed by PF Olsen Australia.
Certification schemes
Each of New Forests’ plantation resources is managed by external property managers and certified under a third-party forest certification scheme. Certification information for current products marketed by New Forests Timber Products can be viewed at the adjacent link.
- Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) – Including products certified under Responsible Wood certification, which is endorsed by PEFC. Reproduced with the permission of Responsible Wood.
- Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) – Able to provide FSC Forest Management or FSC Controlled Wood products.
- New Forests is FSC® non-certificate license holder FSC-N002114. FSC® is not responsible for and does not endorse any financial claims on investments. Product certificate information varies based on the related forest management unit and product type. Information available on request.
- Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) Core Labour Requirements Policy Statement, found here.
Contact us
If you’d like to learn more about New Forests Timber Products or have an enquiry about timber products marketing or sales, send us a message